Thursday, December 13, 2012

Reasons to be thankful

As I face the end of my year as president of the Pennsylvania Optometric Association, I reflect on all the things for which I am thankful. No, the end of my presidency is not one of them. I face the movement from president to immediate past president with many mixed emotions. I am proud and honored to have represented all of you during this past year and look forward to the new roles I may play in our profession.

I am very thankful for the fact that HB 838 was stopped. Thank you to the Legislative Affairs Committee under the leadership of Dr. Bob Bittel, the POA Board of Directors, the POA staff (especially Dr. Charles Stuckey), our lobbyists, and you the members, for all your hard work and dedication to defeat this bill. As a result of this effort, our keyperson system and POPAC divisions are stronger. We still have work to do, so I hope you will all stay involved. Keep meeting with your senators and representatives. Attend their fundraisers and give to POPAC. I am sure Dr. Robert Owens will have further directions during the upcoming year.

Many thanks to all the chairs and members of my Table of Organization. It may seem that other activities were not as important as defeating HB 838. But, believe me, all your efforts were appreciated. If you have not received your new POA diabetic eye health poster from the Diabetes Task Force, attend a local society meeting or POA function to get yours soon. It is awesome!! The Third Party Center and Communications Division are also to be commended this year. Everyone’s hard work makes the POA what it is. The state optometric associations across the country vary in size, structure and activity, but the POA is equal if not superior to the best ones.

Being an optometrist allows me to be thankful for all the material comforts I can provide for myself and my family. Recently, a non-POA member optometrist stated that she could not afford to be a member of the POA. We, the Board, discussed how to get the message out to non-members. Can you practice optometry without the necessary equipment, such as a phoropter or biomicroscope? These items enable us to earn income. The advocacy of organized optometry has allowed us to provide more services and therefore to earn more. I know a previous editorial emphasized membership, but the message is not getting out to our non-member colleagues. Ask all optometrists to determine how much income is derived from Medicare, medical plans, medical procedures and quality service incentives. This income is possible for optometry due to organized optometry. How can they afford not to be a member?

I have previously mentioned that I never really had an interest in being involved in the leadership of organized optometry. I thank my friends, previous presidents of the POA and fellow members of Northeastern Pennsylvania Optometric Society, Dr. Barb Yanak and Dr. Carl Urbanski, for encouraging me to become involved. I am definitely more informed and a better optometrist as a result of my involvement in the POA. I encourage you to also consider becoming more involved at the local and state level. Trust me, you will not regret it.

During my past six years on the POA Board of Directors, I have faced the death of both my parents and my father-in-law. My husband has experienced two strokes and a carotid endarterectomy. The friendships I have made as a result of my involvement in the POA have helped tremendously. Thank you to the POA staff and Board members for being there for moral support and compassion. As a graduate of ICO, I did not know many optometrists across the state. I can now say that some of my best friends in optometry come from different parts of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I am thankful for getting to know these dedicated individuals who serve our profession.

At the recent POA planning session held in Hershey, a lot of time was spent on complimenting people on their accomplishments. The reasoning is simple; we have very dedicated individuals involved in the POA. First the staff – Dr. Charles Stuckey was honored a few years ago for being the best executive director in optometry. I am honored to have had the opportunity to work closely with him this year. While attending AOA activities, it is easy to see why Charlie received that award. Joyce, Ilene, Deb, Robin, Heidi and Joanne, thank you for your assistance and friendship these past years.

To the previous presidents and present Board of Directors, I am honored to have worked with all of you. On behalf of the POA, I thank you for your dedication. Finally, I thank all of you, the members of the POA, for having the wisdom to support the organization and people who are dedicated to advancing your profession.

Wishing you and your families a happy and blessed holiday season!!

Donna M. Buraczewski, O.D.
Pennsylvania Optometric Association

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