Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The POA's Resolutions

Happy 2018! I hope you had a wonderful and safe holiday season with family and friends.

I’m sure you, like me, set some new year resolutions. Your professional association set some “resolutions” as well, known as a strategic plan. In the autumn of 2017, the Board of Directors met with a strategic planning coordinator from outside of the organization to help assess the needs of our association and our members.

Both member and leadership surveys were used to develop key operational areas of focus. As with any resolution or goal, it must become operational to be successful. While most of us are able to strategize and set goals, a majority of us find difficulty in actually doing the work it takes to become successful. However, if the right structure and the right support system are in place success is more likely obtainable.

This thought process is analogous to recent action by the POA Board as it relates to the strategic plan. The Board took a hard look at the structure and function of the association. Upon in-depth review, the Board decided to make changes to the structure of the table of organization to better support the goals of our members and the success of our association. With these changes comes a sustainable support system and collaboration across all committees. Albeit, a better road to success.

A few new changes worth mentioning are the Clinical Practice Resource Committee, the Communication Committee, and the Local Society Leadership Committee. The Clinical Practice Resource Committee is comprised of members with various areas of interest within optometry related to pediatric vision, low vision, contact lens, concussion, motorist vision, dry eye and diabetes. Its members collaborate to develop guidelines, educational information, and practice tips for the benefit of colleagues, staff and the general public.

The Communication Committee encompasses members from the Legislative Advocacy, Third Party, Clinical Education, Clinical Resources, Membership, Fiscal, and Administrative committees. Organizations cannot succeed if there is not adequate knowledge of the organization’s programs, benefits and activities. The committee strives to assure all members are fully informed of the POA’s actions and events, and encourages all members to become fully engaged in their professional association. The committee creates open lines of communication between committee chairs, committee members, and leadership so POA programs are consistent, coordinated and collegial.
The Local Society Leadership Committee is comprised of leaders from our 14 local societies. It is designed to provide our local societies with the ideas, the resources, and the confidence to become advocates for the profession, not only in their home towns but across the Commonwealth. They also serve as a communication network between local society leadership, POA staff, and the Board of Directors.

I am so very thankful to have a great volunteer structure and POA staff to support our association in 2018. Thank you to our volunteer Board members, our POA staff, committee chairs and members, and our local society presidents and volunteers for your time and leadership. This is a team effort. We will move forward operationally with our goals and, as an association, we will accomplish a great deal this year. I wish you the best in 2018. May your resolutions become operational and be successful!

Becca Wincek-Bateson, O.D.
2018 POA President