10. GREAT LOCATION! The Omni Bedford Springs Resort made Travel+Leisure’s 2012 World’s Best Values list for “Top 10 Hotels for Value Overall” at #7 and at #1 in the U.S. and Canada.
9. FAMILY ACTIVITIES are available at the resort including hiking, biking, tennis and fly-fishing.
8. There is a “fierce” GOLF competition on Friday morning. The Bedford Springs Golf Course was named Golfweek’s “Best Course in Pennsylvania.” Overlooking breathtaking views of the Allegheny Mountains and Cumberland Valley, this remarkable course has had three golf architectural masters work on it: Spencer Oldham, A.W. Tillinghast and Donald Ross. The Bedford Springs Old Course has undergone a total renovation overseen by noted classic golf course restoration architect Ron Forse, restoring it to its original course layout.
7. SUPPORT THE PARAOPTOMETRIC STAFF in your office and on the state level. PPA is offering ten hours of quality education for staff to help them be more productive for you and your patients. It is also a chance for doctors and staff to socialize and interact in a casual atmosphere.
6. CAMARADERIE. Socialize with other optometrists from the state – old friends and new friends. Everyone can interact at the PPA’s Fiesta, POA’s BBQ & Outdoor Party, and the President’s Reception.
5. EDUCATION. POA is offering three free hours of non-credit education on electronic health records, meaningful use and health care reform. Eight additional hours of credit CE are available on a variety of topics. Remember, this is a license renewal year.
4. AWARDS CEREMONY. Join in the celebration honoring our fellow optometrists. Congratulations to Dr. Scott Goldberg, Optometrist of the Year; Dr. Lori Gray, Young Optometrist of the Year; Dr. David Rule, Gottschalk Award; Dr. Paul Freeman, Merit Award; and Senator John Gordner, William Van Essen Award. These individuals, along with all the nominees, are dedicated to our profession and have provided notable service to the POA. It will be my pleasure to present them with these awards. We also honor members for their years of membership in the POA. How long have you been a member? Five, ten, fifteen, fifty years?
3. MEET AND INTERACT WITH CURRENT POA BOARD MEMBERS as well as the new members elected at the House of Delegates. Know who is representing you at the state level. We are privileged to have Dr. Hilary Hawthorne, AOA Board of Trustees, spend some time with us during the weekend. She will present the latest information from the AOA during the House of Delegates. There is a lot of activity on the local, state and national levels regarding legislation affecting our profession as well as health care reform. Keep yourself informed and educated.
2. The HOUSE OF DELEGATES is the ruling body of the POA – not the president, Board of Directors or the executive director. Resolutions and By-laws changes can only occur at the House of Delegates. Each local society has a number of votes determined by the number of dues-paying members in good standing in each society – that is, the members who have 25% of their dues paid by March 31. Ensure your society has as many votes as possible. Pay your dues now.
AND THE #1 REASON: IT IS YOUR POA. You are a member; you pay dues. Don’t you want to know what is occurring, why and how certain decisions are made? Take the time; I am sure you won’t regret it.
I look forward to meeting and visiting with each one of you at the 2012 POA Congress in Bedford Springs on May 18-20. See you then!