It seems like yesterday that Dr. Daniel Russell was beginning the year 2011 as president of the POA and I was president-elect. Well, we recently held the passing of the gavel and it is now my turn to lead this great organization. I am excited about what the year may bring and what we can accomplish. 2011 was a memorable year in POA’s history – not all necessarily positive. I would like this opportunity to publicly thank Dr. Russell for his unending dedication to the POA and optometry this past year. I look forward to working with him in 2012.
Dr. Greg Caldwell has completed his stint on the POA Board. Fortunately, for the profession, I know it will not be the last we see of him. I know he will be available to assist anyone who may need his help.
The members of the POA are fortunate to have a dynamite Board working on their behalf. We put a lot of time, work and effort into shaping the POA to be a leader in the nation on behalf of optometry. They are passionate for the profession of optometry and are dedicated to the POA.
Dr. Robert Owens of Lancaster is president-elect for 2012. Many of you know Dr. Owens for his years of relentless dedication to the Motorists Vision Committee. I am very excited to have him as my "sidekick" for this year.
Dr. Marianne Boltz has served on the Diabetic Task Force and Pediatric Vision Care Committee. She is also active with the American Academy of Optometry.
Dr. Rich Christoph, Board secretary/treasurer this year, has served on the Corporate Affiliated Task Force and exemplifies the POA’s dedication to all its members in all modes of practice.
Dr. Mark Margolies of Philadelphia is in private practice as is our newest trustee, Dr. Steve Eiss. Both doctors have served numerous roles in their local societies as well as on the state level.
All of these members of the Pennsylvania Optometric Association Board of Directors are available for discussion on any issues or questions you may have. Please get acquainted with all of us and be assured we are working for the betterment of optometry in Pennsylvania.
Now, what can you do for us? Consider serving on committees at your local society level and the state level. Let us know what areas of optometry you are most passionate about and we will get you involved. I know it’s much easier to sit back, let others do the work, and then comment about the way it is done. It is your profession – your career. Optometry is not a career that can be a 9-5 job. It is a dynamic, ever-changing profession that can be altered by outside influences. Do not let others determine our role in vision care or health care.
Be INVOLVED!! Volunteer your time, experience and finances. Attend local society meetings – get involved. If there is a request from Legislative Affairs for you to see your legislator and/or contribute to POPAC – get involved. If the Health Care Reform Committee asks for information regarding third party payers or health information exchanges – get involved. When the POA sponsors educational seminars and meetings – get involved. Do it now, before you know it 2012 will be over. Call us now and let us know how you can help your profession. I know you will not regret it.
I look forward to serving as president for 2012 and being involved with the POA for the rest of my career. I am passionate for optometry.